EcoGroup Blog

How to replace a broken roof tile

Posted on 2 February 2016
How to replace a broken roof tile

Replacing roof tiles can be a quick and easy DIY job, but there are a few things that must be done to ensure the roof is fixed correctly.

1. Match your roof tiles exactly
The most common tile types are concrete and terracotta.
Roof tiles may all look very similar but they can vary slightly in thickness, length and shape.
You must ensure it is the same type of tile or it may disrupt the flow of your roof and can result in further damage.  If you don't know what the tile is, bring the tile in to us here at EcoGroup, we should be able to match it for you.

2. Climb on to the roof
Climbing on to the roof needs be done safely. Make sure your ladder is strong and stable and you could even use harnesses and ropes to ensure your safety, particularly with a roof that has a steep incline or is slippery. If you're not so great with heights call in a professional. Falling off a roof can be deadly.

3. Remove the broken tile
Once you have safely gotten to the broken tile, you'll need to lift up the tiles next-door, overlapping tile. This will lift the overlapping tiles on the row above, so the tile you want to remove should come out easily. If your tiles aren't lifting, they may have nails holding them in place. If so, lift up the bottoms of the overhanging tiles in the row above, pry the nail out of your tile and then lift it out.

4.  Replace the tile with the new tile
Lift up the bottom of the tiles from the row above and slide your tile back into place. If your tiles have been nailed, then drive a nail through the hole in the tile into the timber roof batten. Once all your tiles are in, give them any minor adjustments required to settle them in place.

You're done! Climb down off the roof safely and head back inside and under your newly fixed roof.

Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightDIYRoof TileEcoGroup  

New Year, New Website, New Branding

Posted on 14 January 2016
New Year, New Website, New Branding
You may have noticed we've updated our logo as well as launching our brand new website. Starting the year off all sparkly and clean, pretty good for a demo and recycling company! So we thought we had better clean up some of our bins and trucks to match. This one is getting cleaned up at the moment so we can add the new look signage. We'll check back in once this one is all done.
Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightEcoGroupRecycling  

Our Upcoming Schedule

Posted on 1 December 2015
We are fast approaching the end of 2015. We want to give you as much notice as possible, so that if you need any products from us to complete your renovations over the holidays, you can come in sooner rather than later. Our Clayton office and yard will be closed from midday on Tuesday, the 22nd of December and will re-open on Monday the 4th January 2016. If we don't see you until the New Year, have a safe and happy festive season.
Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled Right  

The HAAS On Holiday

Posted on 25 November 2015
The HAAS On Holiday
Our HAAS machine, our pride and joy of the fleet, has gone on holidays. Currently working it's way through the South East corridor of Victoria helping out with timber collections at regional transfer stations. This giant machine basically shreds all of the timber waste product that would have gone to landfill, instead turns it to mulch which can get re-purposed.
Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled Right  

The New Weighbridge

Posted on 4 November 2015
The New Weighbridge
As part of our waste management plan, we recently installed a weighbridge at our depot. We can now accurately measure all of the waste that goes in and out from demolition sites. Not only does this reduce risks to safety through the prevention of overloading, but also allows us to minimise waste and send more materials like concrete and steel to our recycling partners. This fine piece of machinery is what helps us achieve our 97% recycle rate.
Posted in:Sustainable Demolition, Recycled RightBricksTimberRecycling  

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We love the look of the gorgeous crushed brick, it drains well and even looks like the beautiful ...

The Road Stall, Monbulk

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