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EcoGroup receives a Green Star Certification

Posted on 29 June 2023
EcoGroup receives a Green Star Certification

EcoGroup is proud to be a Member of the Green Building Council of Australia receiving a Green Star compliance certification at its Resource Recovery Centre in Clayton. 

A Green Star compliance verification is applied to Resource Recovery Centres that exemplify high recycling rates, providing an avenue for the Construction and Demolition Industries to dispose of materials sustainably. 

With a recovery rate of over 90%, EcoGroup continues to invest in Research and Development to redirect all C&D materials from landfill to be repurposed.

What this means: EcoGroup’s methods of recovery and recycling remain the same, having been dedicated to sustainable practices since 1991. However, this Green Star rating now provides builders, demolishers and those operating in the C&D industry an opportunity to raise the Green Star rating of their projects provided Green Star rated products along with solutions to demolition waste.

As quoted by the Green Building Council, “A Green Star achievement is a certification you and your stakeholders can trust. Demonstrating that your project has achieved a high standard of design, construction and/or operation, Green Star certification verifies the environmental and social outcomes you've set to achieve.” https://new.gbca.org.au/green-star/exploring-green-star/

Find out more about EcoGroup’s sustainability impact here: https://www.ecogroup.com.au/blog/celebrating-sustainable-success--ecogroup-s-reduced-impact-on-the-environment-

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